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Nanochemistry – Chemical sensors (5 days)
This training will provide a theoretical and practical approach, with a strong interdisciplinary character (chemistry, physics, technology), covering the scientific and technological fields via the manufacturing and characterization of chemical sensors, in a clean room environment (AIME). Starting from a virgin silicon wafer, participants will carry out all the technological operations of the manufacturing process as well as the characterization tests. A Si based chip with integrated heater will be first manufactured by the trainees using microtechnology techniques. As a sensitive material, they will carry out the bottom-up chemical synthesis of metal oxide nanowires. The sensor is manufactured by integrating the nanoparticles onto the chips. Finally, participants will measure the response of their sensor in controlled polluted atmospheres, in order to determine its sensitivity.
Reference :
Nanoparticles-based gas sensor : chemical synthesis of nano-objects, integration and characterization of engineered sensors
in a clean room. J3eA, 16, 1022.